Education Analyst Anuj's Article in Careers
Importance of Management Education for Individuals
Management education introduces students to a broader perspective about the role of individuals in growth of business and society, which is quite evident. Although the information interfaces usually focus on the deeds of a few examples of an irresponsible few management leaders.
Posted on Apr-30-2011
Management Education Creating Capable Technocrats
An important impact of proper management education on Individuals is that Management education produces well-rounded graduates who can help strengthen the Connection between business and society .
Posted on Apr-30-2011
Meaning and Scope of Management
Management refers to imparting specialized Ideas for establishment of organization’s objectives. The process of accomplishment of objectives in the organizational setting includes analyzing the requirements of the customer and planning to achieve them.
Posted on Feb-19-2011
Factors for Which Management Is Needed
Management is the activity of getting things done with the aid of people and other resources including money, tangible and intangible assets etc. All the processes are carried out for accomplishment of particular organizational objectives.
Posted on Feb-16-2011
Meaning and Significance of Management
Management is a set of practices that are required to define objectives of an organization and planning, strategizing, allocating resources and measuring the results to achieve those objectives.
Posted on Feb-15-2011
Various Definitions of Management
There is no denying for the importance of management practices in our lives since beginning. The history stretches back to the time right from when the evolution of human being was on the rise. We needed management at that time too and we also needed it today although the faces of management practices have varied widely.
Posted on Feb-15-2011
Definition and Importance of Management
Management Practices have been an Important part of our life since beginning not only in the e huge tasks Requiring a set of skills for accomplishment but also Including the usual daily life Activities that we don’t consider important enough to be given That much amount of Focus and time.
Posted on Feb-14-2011